5 Talent Academy – Worship

Early Bird Registration Is Open !!!
The Early Bird Saves $10 bucks! Registration is OPEN for the next 5 Talent Academy Event.
Save $10 per person if you Register by September 26, 2018 “Influence: Worship 2018” event featuring Bishop Sharma Lewis, Greg Moore, Jason Byassee and Matt Miofsky.
A Glimpse of the Day:
Bishop Sharma Lewis will lead Worship and invite us to consider Discipleship as Worship
Greg Moore will ignite our passion for the liturgy of Worship
Jason Byasse and Matt Miofsky will inspire us with innovative ways to team teach and preach
Don’t miss this opportunity for a Great day of learning, sharing, growing and saving $10/person!
Register Today!
The event cost is $40/person but those who register by September 26th can pay the Early-Bird rate of $30/person. Team pricing discounts (every 5th person is free when registered at the same time) are also available at both price points.
Our featured speakers are: Bishop Sharma Lewis Resident Bishop of the VA Conference, Rev. Greg Moore Executive Director of New Faith Communities for the North Carolina Conference, Jason Byassee Professor of preaching at the Vancouver school of Theology and Matt Miofsky Lead Pastor of The Gathering UMC, St. Louis, MO.
“Influence: Worship 2018” takes place on Tuesday, October 30, 2018 9-3pm and is designed for everyone who participates in planning Worship. We encourage you to bring a team from your church for this exciting event!
We look forward to seeing you in October!
The 5 Talent Academy Leadership Team
Where is the Event? This event will take place at 12 locations across the conference to bring it within about an hour’s drive of your church home. Please be sure to select the proper location when you register.
Floris UMC
First UMC
Eastern Shore
Adams/Parksley UMC
Elizabeth River
Francis Asbury UMC
South Hill UMC
Bridgewater UMC
Timberlake UMC
Rappahannock River
Hillcrest UMC
Woodlake UMC
Thrasher UMC
Braddock St. UMC
York River
Williamsburg UMC
* This event will broadcast live from Floris UMC in Herndon, VA
For more information visit vaumc.org/5Talent or contact the Center for Congregational Excellence.
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