Community Lent Worship
Join the Southside Clergy Association for our joint observance of lent. Services are Wednesdays at noon, with light lunch following. The whole experience is designed to fit within a lunch hour. Worship is as follows:
February 14, 2018, Ash Wednesday
First Baptist Church of South Hill
410 North Mecklenburg Avenue, South Hill
Imposition of the ashes
February 21, 2018
South Hill Presbyterian Church
914 North Mecklenburg Avenue, South Hill
Preaching – C Ogburn
February 28, 2018
Amity Baptist Church
1407 North Mecklenburg Avenue, LaCrosse
Preaching – Brian Siegle
March 7, 2018
Gethsemane Baptist Church
512 West Atlantic Street, South Hill
Preaching – Bobby Stone
March 14, 2018
Jerusalem Baptist Church
1401 Plank Road, South Hill
Preaching – Paul Sciotto
March 21, 2018
Good Shepherd Catholic Church
1664 North Mecklenburg Avenue, LaCrosse
Preaching – Friar Augustine
April 1, 2018
Easter Sunrise Worship
Field across from South Hill United Methodist Church