105 Franklin St, South Hill, Virginia


South Hill United Methodist Church


We have an ongoing mission of supporting Community Partners, Inc. (or COPA, for short). Community Partners, Inc. – COPA – is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, offering education, health and Christian outreach. By working together with COPA DR leaders and having the Rev. Connie DiLeo on our board, we are able to pursue our mission of building Christian caring communities by developing educational opportunities and providing health education in the Dominican Republic. Founded in England and Florida, COPA works in support of communities in the Dominican Republic. Since 1991, volunteers from the U.K. and the U.S., alongside the people from the villages, have built two schools, two pre-schools, two dining shelters and two kitchens.

We sponsor two children in their school through graduation, so our support has helped two graduate, with two more on the way. Our Children’s Offering every 2nd and 4th Sunday goes to support this important mission.

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