Easter Cantata

The joint choirs of South Hill United Methodist Church and Clarksville Baptist Church are proud to present “Blessed Redeemer” a Choral Cantata.
Performances are Sunday, March 25, at 5:00pm, at South Hill United Methodist Church, and Thursday, March 29, at 7:00pm, at Clarksville Baptist Church.
Created by the Dove Award-winning team of Dennis and Nan Allen, Blessed Redeemer is a powerful presentation of the cross, the resurrection, and the lordship of Jesus in our lives as we follow Him. Included is a congregational medley of hymns, anthems, and worship songs that your congregation and choir will want to sing again and again.
The choir and congregation will be moved as they consider the redemptive work of Jesus, the empty tomb, and the hope of glory we have as His children. We have great reason to rejoice and worship, so let’s sing and lift up hearts of praise to our BLESSED REDEEMER!
TITLES: Sing to the King with I Will Sing of My Redeemer; Blessed Redeemer; The Story of the Cross (includes I Stand Amazed in the Presence; At the Cross; and Down at the Cross); Hallelujah! I’m Redeemed with Hallelujah, What a Savior!; Resurrection (Resurrection Song); Wherever He Leads I’ll Go; Finale: Sing to the King (with I Will Sing of My Redeemer)