105 Franklin St, South Hill, Virginia

Fusion 2019

South Hill United Methodist Church

Fusion 2019


Fusion19 will be held February 15-17, 2019. This year’s retreat will be held at the W.E.
Skelton 4-H Educational Conference Center at Smith Mountain Lake near Wirtz,
The theme for this year’s retreat is Stories. Leaders will be local youth, Virginia Tech
Wesley Students, and Reverend Bret Gresham.
For this year’s mission project, please bring as many of these NEW toiletry items as
possible: long socks, combs, bar soaps, toothbrushes, toothpastes, trial0size shampoos,
and deodorants.
The cost for Fusion19 is $120 per person, which includes lodging, meals, and program
fees. SHUMC pays for half the cost for the students attending, resulting in a
$60/person fee. Although registration forms are not yet available, please mark your
calendars and prepare a check made out to SHUMC Youth for $60 if your child plans
to attend.
We will ensure at least a 1:10 ratio of adults per students. We will travel using the new
church van and possibly one additional vehicle. We will leave the church parking lot
around 4:45 on Friday and return around 2:45 on Sunday. Please bring money for fast
food on the way.
A packing list and further information will accompany the registration forms. This
retreat is one of the top highlights of our Youth Year. We hope you are able to attend.

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