Guthrie Update

The Guthrie family continues to be thankful for their role in supporting Bible translation in Aboriginal Australia and Eastern Indonesia. This June their office is relocating to a building on the campus of the local Aboriginal Bible College and they are excited by the opportunity to build closer relationships with Aboriginal church leaders. Pray for safety and strong backs as everyone in the office will be working together to make the move. In Timor, Indonesia a new translation group project is beginning for three languages on the island of Alor as they begin with the Gospel of Mark. Chris’s recent trip to Indonesia resolved many technical issues for the teams there, but Internet connection in our Kupang office continues to be a prayer concern.
As always, we are very thankful and full of gratitude for the prayers and support from South Hill United Methodist Church. You have always been faithful in your support of our ministry, which is a huge encouragement to us.
God bless!
Megan (& Chris and the kids)