In Person Worship

Together in person again!
We are meeting in person for our 8:45 am and 11:00 am Sunday worship services, in addition to the 11:00 am live-stream. The status of our surrounding area is constantly changing, so our guidelines will be changing in accordance with them. We are attempting to balance our desire to be in worship together with our Christian mandate to care for each other, even if that means being apart to do so.
We are now offering children’s church during the 11:00 am worship service, and encourage masks for children since they cannot be vaccinated at this time.
- Health Check—Individuals should do a pre-attendance temperature check (temperature must be less than 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit—means no fever). If you have a fever or you are sick without a fever, please stay home.
- No clergy, member, guest, or volunteer will be allowed to attend an in-person service if:
- He/she has two or more symptoms of COVID-19 in the last 14 days; or
- He/she came in contact with anyone else with COVID-19 symptoms in the last 14 days; or
- He/she has symptoms of COVID-19 and he/she is waiting for the results of a test (if such test is job required, discuss with the pastor ahead of attending) or is waiting for the symptoms to subside to the point of being recovered; or
- He/she tested positive for COVID-19 and is still suffering from COVID-19.
- No clergy, member, guest, or volunteer will be allowed to attend an in-person service if:
- Masks—Masking is recommended, but optional for those who are fully vaccinated (two or more weeks since final vaccine). We request that non-fully vaccinated persons remain wear a mask. Face coverings are more critical when in close proximity to others. Once seated and separated, they are less necessary.
- Distancing—Social distancing is encouraged between family and/or friend groups that you are frequently around. If you are not regularly around someone, being close during the length of a service could be a risk.
- Singing—Fully vaccinated persons may sing during worship.
- Offering—Encouraged on-line, but checks and cash are accepted on-site.
- in a box on the altar rail at 8:45 and
- in plates located in the narthex at 11:00.
While many restrictions are no longer necessary, we encourage compassion and sensitivity to those who may have concerns over groups and continued virus cases.
Contact us if you have any further questions or need clarification.
2 Responses
Is there an in person at 8:45 planned for Sunday, July 12th?
Yes there is. Go to for requirements and updates.