105 Franklin St, South Hill, Virginia

Monday Afternoon

South Hill United Methodist Church

Monday Afternoon

After lunch, we began looking at the One Church Plan. There were passionate speeches for and against.

An ammendment was offered to correct part of one portion that the Judicial Council found problematic. It tied, and therefore did not pass.

A second amendment was offered to correct another portion that the Judicial Council found problematic as well. It passed.

An ammendment was offered to clarify language around ordination and commissioning. It passed.

An ammendment was offered to remove conflicting language from another petition. It passed.

More passionate discussion about the plan continued.

The One Church Plan vote was defeated in committee.

A third “exit plan” was discussed next. It was rejected.

A proposal to vote no on all remaining petitions was bought forth, which was ammended to remove the simple plan from that block vote. That vote passed by a large margin.

A proposal was made to send the actions decided upon to Judicial Council to verify constitutionality of items. There was some discussion, including a passionate discussion that garnered (against rules) a large response of support from delegates and observers alike. After a break, this proposal passed.

Discussion on the Simple Plan followed. The legislative session defeated the plan for recommendation to the plenary session tomorrow.

The day ended in worship. Tomorrow is the plenary session and another day of debate.

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