105 Franklin St, South Hill, Virginia

Book: 1 Corinthians

South Hill United Methodist Church

Raised in Glory

February 20, 2022
Our discipleship path and our journey to heaven are the same journey. That is the glory that we are aiming toward; that is the promise that Paul reminds us of…
While there appears to be some argument about what happens to us, there isn’t an argument about what happened to Jesus. So, Paul starts there. Jesus was raised, and was…

Hold Firmly

February 6, 2022
Do you remember when you first heard this amazing, good news, heard it in a way that changed your life? Hold on to that moment, Paul says.
Yes, there is still individuality. “You are the body of Christ and individually members of it.” (vs. 27.) Individually members, meaning you are important, you the individual, you the person,…

Well Pleased

January 9, 2022
Epiphany is about the revealing of the light to the world. Not all see it, of course; this is why Jesus frequently said, “let those who have ears to hear,…