105 Franklin St, South Hill, Virginia

More than Conquerors

More than Conquerors
July 26, 2020

More than Conquerors

Passage: Romans 8:12-25
Service Type:

Bible Text: Romans 8:12-25 | Preacher: Rev. Brian Siegle | Series: Nothing Shall Separate Us | This house shall be a house of prayer. That isn’t the text for this week. But it is a sentiment behind the thrust of Romans 8:26-39. We are about prayer this week: prayer that transforms, prayer that equips and enables, prayer that overcomes, prayer that conquers. Worship this week should be centered around prayer.

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2 Responses

  1. Jerry Reynolds says:

    Jerry and Sarah attended.

  2. Nancy Merrel says:

    Thank you for continuing to teach us about prayer. We especially appreciated the analogy during children’s time that we are never separated from God! May you and your family have a blessed week. You are all always remembered in our prayers. Two watched today.

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