105 Franklin St, South Hill, Virginia

Series: Lent 2019

South Hill United Methodist Church


April 14, 2019
Preacher: Rev. Brian Siegle | Series: Lent 2019 | Palm Sunday. This whole season of lent is leading up to Easter. We are preparing. Let us focus on doing so…
Bible Text: Philippians 3:4-14 | Preacher: Rev. Brian Siegle | Series: Lent 2019 | God is a God of new things. What is our new thing? How can we share…


March 24, 2019
Bible Text: 1 Corinthians 10:1-13 | Preacher: Rev. Brian Siegle | Series: Lent 2019 | Repenting is a key component of honest Lent worship and reflection. But we need each…


March 17, 2019
Bible Text: Philippians 3:17-4:1 | Preacher: Rev. Brian Siegle | Series: Lent 2019 | In our Lent journey, maybe focusing on imitating Christ is the best course for us in…
Bible Text: Romans 10:8-13 | Preacher: Rev. Brian Siegle | Series: Lent 2019 | God's heart is bigger than ours. God's heart is generous. As we enter Lent, let us…