Singing in the Rain

8 Pour down, you heavens above,
and let the clouds flow with righteousness.
Let the earth open for salvation to bear fruit;
let righteousness sprout as well.
I, the Lord, have created these things.
Isaiah 45:8
Common English Bible (CEB)
It is sure raining. As I traveled to the church this morning, I noticed the water flowing in the ditches and gutters. Areas that had not had a good cleansing in awhile are flowing with water. The heavy rain has moved collected debris around and has cleaned up. But here and there, the debris has piled up. The water doesn’t stop flowing, but finds another way. In the storm gutters, this means flowing into the streets around the debris. In a few places in the church, it means flowing inside. Water will always find the path of least resistance in its persistent response to gravity.
But you know, that’s just like life. God’s Spirit always flows. Sometimes, we allow it to flow smoothly through us. Sometimes we have so much debris piled up that we slow it down. It always finds a way, just like the rain. But we need the Spirit flowing to keep us cleaned up. The more we allow God to use us, to challenge us, to move us, the more those around us will be able to experience God through us.
We need to pray like Isaiah that God cleans us out! Let God move the debris and wash it away. Let God build the channels for his love to flow the way God wants it to, not necessarily the way we want it to. The earth needs rain to clean and refresh and fuel. And we needs God’s grace for the same reasons. So today, I’m singing in the rain.
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