105 Franklin St, South Hill, Virginia

Stop Hunger Now

South Hill United Methodist Church

Stop Hunger Now

We will have a Stop Hunger Now packaging event on Tuesday, February 16, beginning at 6:30pm.

So, what is Stop Hunger Now?

Stop Hunger Now packages and ship meals to feed people in need. So far, they have engaged over 500,000 corporate, student, civic and faith-based volunteers to package meals. They also educate thousands of people each year about hunger and inspire them to help end it. This year, Stop Hunger Now will package 45 million meals, and ship over $9 million in donated aid, mainly vitamins and medical supplies.

A packaging event is an immensely fun, hands-on and rewarding experience for anyone of any age. A group of 40 to 50 volunteers can package 10,000 meals in just two hours, so we need lots of hands to make this event work. In addition to the volunteer time, we need to raise is 29 cents for each meal packaged.

How Does This Help?

Stop Hunger Now meals are nutritiously sound. Every dehydrated rice/soy meal is fortified with 23 essential vitamins and nutrients. Research has shown that one in three people in developing countries are adversely affected by vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Addressing the problem of hunger is the single point where we can leverage relief for all humanitarian issues.

With your support, relief organizations such as Stop Hunger Now have the means to deliver to ongoing school feeding programs that sustain lifelong change. Providing a hot meal during school gives parents an incentive to send their children to school. Through receiving a primary school education, the cycle of poverty can begin to be broken by leveraging change in many other issues including education, maternal health, childhood mortality, gender equality and combating HIV/AIDS.

We currently require that our in-country partners report on the impact of the Stop Hunger Now shipments they received. Our strategic plan recognizes the challenges of getting impact reports from our in-country partners, and we are working to improve that process.

For more information and specifics of Stop Hunger Now, see stophungernow.org.

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