Sunday Afternoon
The beginning of the afternoon session was dominated by making sure the voting equipment was working properly. After several tests and moments of assistance, we were off into business.
One reflection is that parlimentary procedure seems slow and cumbersome at times, however it does attempt to give an even playing field for all concerned.
The first order of business was to prioritize the petitions before the General Conference. Each petition, or groups of petitions, were voted on in terms of priority to address. Once all petitions were prioritized, the work of addressing them began, in the designated order of priority.
The general session was adjourned and the legislative session was convened. Normally in General Conference, the body is split into several legislative groups do work on the versions of petitions that will come back to the body for a vote. In this specific case, since there is only one “topic” of discussion, there is only one legislative session, making it a committee of the entire body.
Because legislative committees are officiated by separate officers, the officers of the legislative session were nominated and voted upon. In the middle of this process, a group was advocating their particular position by loudly chanting together. While many shared their sentement, I and others were a bit annoyed by their methodology and questioned their timing since nothing related to any particular petition was up for vote at this time.
After a short break, the actual discussion and work regarding the petitions began. According to voted on priority, the petitions by WesPath, the pension organization for the UMC, were discussed and moved through with no modification.
The hour became late, so the remaning petitions will be discussed and “perfected” on Monday. Next up is the Traditional Plan, a couple exit plans, and the One Church Plan.