105 Franklin St, South Hill, Virginia

Tag: worship

South Hill United Methodist Church


Choir resumes September 11, 2024. Our very talented choir normally rehearses on Wednesday evenings at 6:00 pm and provides music leadership for our 11:00am Sunday worship service. In October, the choir will rehearse our anthems beginning at 6:00pm, and the cantata beginning at 7:00pm. In November and December, we will rehearse anthems beginning at 6:00pm,…
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We are live on Sundays! Join us on-line in real-time when you can’t be here in person.


Worship is one of the most important things we do together. Join us weekly on Sunday mornings for one, or both, of our regular services.

Heritage Sunday 2015

Join us on Sunday, November 8, 2015, for a special Heritage Sunday celebration. Our special guest for the day is BJ Johnston as John Wesley. Mr. Wesley will join us in our 11:00am worship, followed by a covered-dish luncheon. At 3:00pm Mr. Wesley will return for the complete production of “The Man from Aldersgate,” a…
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